About Me

My name is Emma Staddon and I have been either studying, teaching or practicing psychology for 30 years

I am……

  • A certified Havening practitioner
  • An EFT (tapping) practitioner
  • A Matrix Reimprinter (advanced form of EFT)
  • Trained in RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy) 
  • Psychology A-level teacher

I am a Havening and EFT (tapping) practitioner who loves identifying and changing my own and others subconscious beliefs. I’m obsessed with them, as I know just how powerful they are.

They are so powerful that they determine people’s actions (or inaction) and therefore their life results.

I know that the best way to change any problematic issues in a person’s life is to eliminate any limiting or blocking beliefs that they have and install empowering ones. 


During sessions I help clients to do two things:

1) Identify the beliefs and emotions that are holding them back from having the lives that they want &

2) Help them to easily remove these problematic beliefs/emotions, so that their minds can be free from any psychological pain and blockages, so that they can overcome the problems that they have.

During sessions I adopt a holistic approach, which means that I focus on discovering ALL of the factors/beliefs/previous events that are influencing a clients mind and life, so that I can then help them to find ways to deal effectively with each of them.   

I help clients by using a variety of effective psychological techniques, such as EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), havening, positive psychology, cognitive behavioural therapy, life coaching and neuro linguistic programming.  


I specialise in the areas of

* Emotional eating

* Dating, relationships and breakups

* Stress & anxiety

Over the past decade I have also run a variety of personal development and positive psychology courses, which have included sessions on positive psychology, confidence building, stress management, motivation, changing negative beliefs, understanding relationship dynamics and emotional eating.

# of years as a psychology teacher

# of years as a life coach

# of personal development books I've read!

  Contact Me

More Info

Phone: 07870 843875

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