The 8 Most Common Psychological Blocks To Weight Loss

The 8 Most Common Psychological Blocks To Weight Loss

Most people who struggle to lose weight are usually eating certain foods and certain amounts of it, that are preventing them from losing weight. Unless there is a biological cause, overeating or eating the “wrong” foods is usually caused by psychology i.e. the beliefs...
Case Study: Weight Gain and Loneliness

Case Study: Weight Gain and Loneliness

Kate (* not her real name & written with permission) came to me as she wanted to lose weight but found it really difficult and thought I might be able to help her….. During the initial session I discovered that she wasn’t overeating but she was drinking a bottle...
How EFT (Tapping) Can Help You To Lose Weight

How EFT (Tapping) Can Help You To Lose Weight

One of the main reasons why people struggle to lose weight is because of the foods that they eat. One of the most common reasons why people eat weight gaining foods is to deal with the emotions that they feel. This is also known as emotional eating. EFT, which is also...

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