What I Do I use a variety of very effective psychological methods to help women to remove emotional blocks & subconscious beliefs to help them to change problematic areas of their lives I focus on three main issues: (Some clients come for one issue, whereas...
About Me My name is Emma Staddon and I have been either studying, teaching or practicing psychology for 30 years I am…… A certified Havening practitioner An EFT (tapping) practitioner A Matrix Reimprinter (advanced form of EFT) Trained in RTT (Rapid...
My Shop I have created four pdf downloads, based on positive psychology & cognitive behavioural therapy, to help people to become happier. They are:1) The 40 Day Happiness Project2) The Relationship Toolkit & The 40 Day Relationship Challenge 3) The Dating...
Freebie Do you want to stop craving certain foods, so that you can lose weight? Do you want to get off the dieting treadmill and try a method that is more successful than just using willpower? Do you want to use the power of your mind to help you to lose weight?...