Who Can I Help & Who Can I Not Help?

Who Can I Help & Who Can I Not Help?

I specialise in helping women to do the inner work so that they can resolve relationship problems (including dating and breakup issues) and emotional eating. I focus on helping women to look at their own subconscious minds (their beliefs and memories) to see how it is...
The Worst Five Exes. Do You Recognise Any?

The Worst Five Exes. Do You Recognise Any?

There are many types of exes, but here are descriptions of the worst five:   1) The Cold Ex This is the ex that breaks up with you and then completely ignores you and never communicates with you again. This is the ex that doesn’t seem to be bothered about the...
The Seven Mistakes People Make After A Breakup

The Seven Mistakes People Make After A Breakup

A breakup is always difficult. It can hurt like hell for a fair while and everyday can feel like an absolute lifetime. It can take a while to get over a breakup but this process can be speeded up considerably if you avoid some key mistakes. Here are the 7 most common...

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